Hi viewers.
I watched an inspiring artist video
a few minutes ago, that was featured on
my MSN newsfeed, and believe it is something
to inspire other creators too.
The video is shared by a hyper-realism artist
named Oumaima Choua (© artbyoums),
all the rights for
sharing goes to her and MSN (© Microsoft 2024).
I am not sharing to suggest imitating or emulating her
process, progress, or style of how she works. The reason
I am sharing is to steer your focus towards the message
presented. Absorbing the message and applying it to your
own developing progressive process is like another energy
boost or fuel to keep you functional towards your goals.
Here is Oumaima Choua's video called,
" This is a sign to not give up on your art ".
Oumaima Choua Official Website (Art By Oums)
Thank you for sharing your artist video,
hoping your message fuels more creators
like myself too.
This post has been labeled under "Creator Support"
for being content related to material that could
benefit other creators on the
creative quest/journey.