Monday, December 9, 2024

Inspiring Artist Video Message

 Hi viewers. 

I watched an inspiring artist video 

a few minutes ago, that was featured on 

my MSN newsfeed, and believe it is something

to inspire other creators too.

The video is shared by a hyper-realism artist

named Oumaima Choua (© artbyoums)

all the rights for

sharing goes to her and MSN (© Microsoft 2024)

I am not sharing to suggest imitating or emulating her

process, progress, or style of how she works. The reason

I am sharing is to steer your focus towards the message

presented. Absorbing the message and applying it to your

own developing progressive process is like another energy

boost or fuel to keep you functional towards your goals.

Here is Oumaima Choua's video called, 

This is a sign to not give up on your art ".

Oumaima Choua Official Website (Art By Oums)

Thank you for sharing your artist video,

hoping your message fuels more creators 

like myself too.

This post has been labeled under "Creator Support"

for being content related to material that could 

benefit other creators on the

creative quest/journey.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

October Crossover 2024 : #3


HIDDEN HOPE: THE ROCKET WARRIOR - Ycrem0 - October Crossover #3 - 2024

#3 Info: This illustration called "HIDDEN HOPE: THE ROCKET WARRIOR" is a tribute to Akira-Toriyama-dono (Dragon Ball Creator) & Kazuki Takahashi-dono (Yu-Gi-Oh! Creator). The concept comes from combining Dragon Ball Z's special called "The History of Trunks" and Yu-Gi-Oh!'s duelist Katsuya Jonouchi (Japanese version name)/Joseph "Joey" Wheeler (English version name).

Joey Wheeler has taken the place as Future Trunks, Yu-Gi-Oh!'s duelist Anzu Mazaki (Japanese version name)/Téa Gardner (English version name) as Dragon Ball Z's Future Bulma (Trunk's Future Mom & Last Owner of Dr. Brief's (Bulma's Father) Capsule Corps Business. 

In "The History of Trunks" special, Future Bulma is working on a time machine project for a long time and Future Trunks did not believe she would ever get it to work. Future Androids #17 & #18 from the Red Ribbon Army are terrorizing the areas they visit for fun, and the Z-Fighter's group only had one lasting member (Future Gohan) as everyone else died. Therefore, Future Gohan is the only protector of the world to go toe-to-toe with the android threats. Somehow, Future Bulma is trying not to draw attention to Capsule Corps as it is the only one left in the world or something like that.

At the end of that special, Future Bulma manages to complete the time machine and Future Trunks will use it to go back in the past to warn the Z-Fighters to prepare for the upcoming terror of future events. This is where I put a twist on the tale a bit by changing the location of the development of the Capsule Corp time machine and its design. 

I set the time machine's location in a cave behind a waterfall and there is a hole in the top of the cave above a launchpad area. While the androids are terrorizing the world, finding a more naturally hidden location to design and launch the time machine would be more secretively protective than the original Capsule Corps buildings in the outside location to be found so easily. 

My references were of Future Bulma designing the time machine and one of Joey Wheeler's favorite or signature monster card in his deck (Rocket Warrior). I used Rocket Warrior's character design to design the time machine with resemblance to him, with a few structural pieces from Capsule Corps time machine design too. 

Rocket Warrior's shield is kind of what the rocket engine underneath is shaped like, legs of the time machine are kind of similar to Rocket Warrior's feet, round body of the time machine with yellow coloring is similar to the body of Rocket Warrior, the time machine's leg guards are similar to Rocket Warrior's checkered body pieces, cockpit frame is similar to Rocket Warrior's head guards combined that can open, cockpit seat similar to Future Bulma's time machine, and Future Bulma's mini blade spinner is a part of the design too.

Future Bulma's time machine has the number one on it, so I changed that with "CCL1" (Cartoonist Cocoon Lab One). The cave, waterfall, waterfall mist, time machine platform, lighting, and coloring are pieces I put together as I could. This cave area behind the waterfall is able to have vegetation and organisms capable of living inside, due to the waterfall's misty moisture and sunlight that comes from the ceiling opening. I wanted to add grass with some flowers as well as Joey Wheeler as Future Trunks with Tea Gardner as Future Bulma standing in the scene to talk about the time machine's completion similar to how "The History of Trunks" ended, except I could not figure out whether to have the time machine in an outside or inside environment.

Since I was not able to add both characters within the illustration, the scene is mostly about how the time machine is presented in a more secretive location than in the special to avoid the androids stopping its creation. Joey Wheeler as Future Trunks would have been given a sword design based on Rocket Warriors sword design to further their connection to the series they represent too. 

There was a fourth illustration in the works based on both of these creator's series too, except focusing on finding work, and moving are on my mind right now because I will simply be entangling myself with believing I can continue focusing on creating without outside issues interfering. Therefore, I am presenting this completed third illustration for your viewing pleasure and something to inspire viewers. Mechanical pencil and color pencils were used to complete this illustration. This illustration was already completed, I did not share until now because I wanted to share two at a time for each post.


Some photos of the sketching and coloring parts
were shared to show someone else, so here are
those photos. Since no other illustrations for challenge
will be done, this is a behind-the-scenes look at my design process.







Draw Anything: Digital Neon Billboard Water Fountain

This illustration was created from an old lion-head gargoyle water fountain photo. The process photos are too long, and I am  unable to reme...