Saturday, January 18, 2025

Draw Anything: Lamp Light At Dusk

 This illustration had more layers than the previous post.

 I tried to stop at different parts of my process 

to capture how the breakdown is happening more. 

Unfortunately, my shadow got featured in most of the photos, 

which made editing somewhat more challenging

to share parts more clearly. The medium I am 

using is not well for editing and scanning without

some other steps to minimize the disrupting qualities.

Overall, I am pleased with the results once again as 

color pencils have their own creative flair to acknowledge,

which everything is as decent and orderly as it will be for me

within this composition.

The chosen reference photo makes me think

of a story that has some kind of cliffhanger or

mystery ending with that lamp being left

on a big rock as the main focus of the photo

and everything else is blurred. Even

my illustration gives me the same thought,

if I would have ended a story with the same flair.

Whether a cliffhanger or To Be Continued ending,

both of them pop (sticks out as favorable/trendy).

NOTE: I am not stamping these illustrations with my logo, 

because they are experimental drawings that have free

references attached to them. If these illustrations were

of my own design or relating to something personally

created for stated reasons, then my logo will be shared. 

I add enough information to state that I drew them

and dated. If these photos help you in any way,

feel free to use them. 

1st Stage: Free sketch to define sections of photo reference, Guideline with shapes for lamp figure

2nd Stage: Start defining the structure of the lamp, Erasing the guideline figure sketch as you continue

3rd Stage: Fully define the minimal design of the lamp, Erase as many unused guidelines for lamp

4th Stage: Black color pencil used for outlining lamp design, Outline other composition subject matter lightly due to blurring in reference, Big rock is partly foreground focused with outline edges that can be wobbly as well as solid/darker (if preferred) for natural design effects

5th Stage: Light color pencil blending colors are added (clouds, sunset glow, clear spaces in sky, land shore/shore shadow on water), Not too much focus is given to the subject matter that will be blurred with blending later, Increase zoom to see blurred color layers (if preferred)

6th Stage: Coloring the lamp with minimal flat colors, Orange glow effect is given to certain parts of the lamp's coloring, Some colors will not fit in their spaces well (that is okay, unless you create a big enough space or are using tools that work differently than color pencils), Be mindful of the tools you are using as well as what qualities they can produce

7th Stage: Color pencils used for big rock, Light effect from the lamp is applied to some rock areas, Some shadowy areas on the big rock were added too

8th Stage: Light color pencil shading for the water to blend later, Lake is blurred subject matter that will have shades of colors added like the approach to the other blurred areas of the reference photo

9th Stage: Color pencil used for ground area for big rock land and shore

10th Stage (Final): Blending Stump is used on blurry areas and smoothness of big rock, Cellphone editing for quality

Photo of completed illustration without cellphone editing

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